Brimmer Pale Ale by Brimmer Brewing

Brimmer Pale Ale is a 5.5% American pale ale from Brimmer Brewing, based in Kawasaki, Kanagawa. It’s part of their all-year range of beers and can be found in both bottles and on draft across Japan.

Brimmer Pale Ale

Not much information about this beer out there.

Brimmer Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Brimmer Pale Ale poured out a light golden colour with a slight haziness to the beer though I suspect it was more due to condensation on the side of the glass. It had a smooth aroma of toffee and caramel before being punctuated by a waft of citrus hops came through. I was hoping for more really seeing as Brimmer’s resume includes some time at Sierra Nevada. I was expecting something with more punch behind it.

The body had more of an American pale ale profile behind it with the hops bringing some semblance of citrus bitterness to it, along with a hint of caramel sweetness to the body too. The carbonation was spot on though, making Brimmer Pale Ale a thirst-quenching and crisp beer. It had a citrus bitter aftertaste, leaving a faint sweetness on the tongue before quickly fading away.

Brimmer Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Brimmer Pale Ale is an American pale ale – just. It’s not that inspiring but nor is it bland. I guess I’m trying to say it’s average.

Where to Buy Brimmer Pale Ale

Brimmer Pale Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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