Songbird Session IPA by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Session IPA is a 4.5% session IPA from Brewery Songbird, based in Kisarazu, Chiba. It’s part of their 2016 limited edition line up, and was first released in May 2016. It’s brewed using Cascade hops (we think!) but besides that, there is no other information on the label nor on the Brewery Songbird homepage.

Songbird Session IPA

Session IPA-lite – more of a pale ale than anything else.

Songbird Session IPA Aroma and Taste

More frustration with Brewery Songbird today and their inability to describe the beers or label the beer ingredients besides “hops, barley, yeast, with some adjuncts”. Why oh why can’t people put more information out about their beer. Hours, nay minutes, searching for something that doesn’t exist on the brewery homepage or elsewhere is frustrating as it cuts down on important drinking and important reviewing time of craft beers.

Songbird Session IPA poured out a light golden colour that appeared to be much paler than original expected. The didn’t last long, barely ten seconds, before producing a mild citrus aroma with some grapefruit that was reminiscent of Cascade hops. There was a vague aroma of sweetness but there was a distinct wheatiness that came through as well. Peculiar for a session IPA – I’m just grateful that this isn’t an IPA.

The body was light and refreshing, if not lacking in bite. For a session IPA, I want the hoppy bite, the kick to the sour taste buds, the sharp crisp edge, but without the 7%+ abv that comes with IPAs. However, with Songbird Session IPA, it lacked all of those flavour profiles. It did have a slight citrus peppery edge to it, with a faint bitterness in the aftertaste but it was all over too quick.

Songbird Session IPA The Bottom Line

Songbird Session IPA is a lite-session IPA – more of a pale ale than an IPA. If you go in expecting anything more than that, then you’re in for a bad time.

Where to Buy Songbird Session IPA

Songbird Session IPA can be bought online at the following places:

Or by going to Liquors Hasegawa

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