Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release by Michinoku Fukushima Brewery

Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release is a 5.5% English style bitter from Michinoku Fukushima Brewery, based in Fukushima. It’s part of their limited edition line up of craft beer and at the time of writing can be found in bottles only. Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release differs from the regular Bitter they produce as it’s an early release beer from the tanks.

Michinoku The Rich Bitter

Not a bad ale I must say.

Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release Aroma and Taste

Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release poured out a hazelnut orange colour with a meagre amount of head on top – less than a finger’s worth – and it quickly dissipated away to leave some white bubbles on the edge of the glass. It had a soft aroma of caramel though there was also some hints of honey and a little bit of burnt sugar too. There was some hints of yeasty breadiness too though they were subtle in comparison to the other aromas coming through from the beer.

English style bitters are becoming more common in Japan and with Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release , Fukushima Michinoku Brewery have hit onto a winner it seems. The body was slightly bitter as expected but then the malts produced a solid backbone of caramel and some dried fruits to balance out the slight twang of citrus fruits. The carbonation was just right as well – not so gassy as to make you burp lots nor was it so soft that it felt like you were drinking just water. The aftertaste was ever-so-slightly sweet and bitter, though they didn’t last long.

Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release The Bottom Line

I really liked Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release and would happily drink more of it but then it wouldn’t be the Early Release I guess.

Where to Buy Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release

Michinoku The Rich Bitter Early Release can be bought online at the following places:

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