Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori by Kizakura Sake Brewing Company

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori is a 4% pale lager from Kizakura Sake Brewing Company based in Kyoto, Kansai. This beer was one of the first beers from them back in 1995 and is part of their all-year round range of beers. Like Kyoto Bakushu Alt, Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori is brewed using locally sourced underground water; however, they have used Seishi sake yeast in the primary fermentation – who’d have thought sake used yeast? This beer can be found in bottled or draft form.

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori

It’s quite hard to tell the difference between water quality in light beers.

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori Aroma and Taste

After finding Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori at my local convini, I was a bit giddy with excitement – two craft beers from miles away in Japan, surely the second resurgence is on – but alas no. A week later, the convini had gone back to selling the big four beers and nothing else turned up. It still bemuses me why Kizakura beers were stocked but beggars can’t be choosers.

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori poured out a light golden colour with a slight haziness to it though the condensation on the side of the glass kind of exaggerated the level of haze. Unfortunately, the aroma was severely lacking with faint hints of malts, some floral kick and a little amount of citrus punch to it too. I was hoping for some stronger sake-like qualities to it considering the yeast used but they were either lacking or nonexistent. A massive disappointment really.

The body was too watery for my liking – I do like my stouts though lagers should have some body to them which Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori didn’t. The sake flavours were stronger in the body than in the aroma, though perhaps too strong as the rice profile came through, much to the detriment of the sweet malts. It had some peculiar bitterness to it that didn’t resemble hops nor sake. The aftertaste was lager light that carried some flavour but lacked in boldness.

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori One Line Review

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori promised so much but delivered very little. Give it a miss.

Where to Buy Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori

Kyoto Bakushu Kura no Kaori can be bought at the following places online:

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1 comment

Oliver May 14, 2016 - 5:24 am

I have had all of the Kizakura beers, and unfortunately none of them are very exciting. I fully agree with this review. Better buy and drink someting else.


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