Yorocco IPA by Yorocco Beer

Yorocco IPA is a 6% American IPA from Yorocco Beer, based in Zushi. It is the third beer in the bottled beer range following the Yorocco Black Saint and the Yorocco Kinkan Blond. While this may be the third beer in the range, it has been seen on tap at Beach Muffin in Zushi so it’s not known at the time of writing what makes this version different.

Yorocco IPA

Very buttery – not always a good thing with IPAs.

Yorocco IPA Aroma and Taste

The first thing you notice about the aroma of Yorocco IPA is how peculiar it is. The citrus aromas had yet to develop and it had some peculiar aromas of butterscotch and green apples – two aromas an IPA should never have in my opinion. I was so unsure that I drank two more bottles on different days to make sure it wasn’t just one beer but alas, it seems that three out of the six bottles I’ve had were. The pour was great though with a bright golden colour and a sticky white head that clung to the side of the glass.

Yorocco IPA’s body was as peculiar as the aroma with the unusual buttery flavours coming through strong along with slight hint of citrus flavours too. It had a sticky mouthfeel that lacked the bite associated with American IPAs as well. It wasn’t an easy drinking beer because of the peculiar flavours. Either this beer had been stored for too long and the buttery flavours had developed as a result or there was an infection somewhere. The aftertaste kept with the buttery theme and lacked any IPA punch. If there was one, then it was masked by the peculiar flavours.

Yorocco IPA One Line Review

Yorocco IPA is a real shame as it’s the first beer from Yorocco that I felt was a let down.

Where to Buy Yorocco IPA

Yorocco IPA can either be bought from the brewery or sending an email from the Yorocco homepage here.

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