Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA By Ise Kadoya

by Rob

Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA is a 6% American IPA from Ise Kadoya that, at the time of writing, is a limited edition beer. It is brewed using Mosaic hops that were developed from the popular Simcoe strain of hops by The Hop Brewing Company back in 2012. For those that want to know more, Mosaic hops were developed to be used in the three purposes of hopping; bitterness, aroma, and finally flavour.

Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA

Not much life in this beer, not even with THE IPA glass either.

Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA Aroma and Taste

Not knowing much about Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA led me to believe that this was going to be some special/strange brew from Ise Kadoya. Luckily, after a wee bit of research, it turned out that the Mosaic part was actually a breed of hops used in the beer. So, no sudden surprises besides the lack of life in the beer. I kid you not, it was flatter than a flat thing on a flat road that not even the magic IPA glass could bring to life. It was a deep hazy orange colour with a slight brown tinge to it in the light but the aroma got me going more than the flavour. The Mosaic hops brought a rich fruit aroma of mangoes, lemon, along with a dash of pine in there too.

With Mosaic hops having a high alpha acid level, the same acids that produce the bitterness that people love/hate, Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA was always going to be a bitter beer and it didn’t pull any punches there. However, the brewers at Ise Kadoya clearly hadn’t forgotten about the malts as a small amount of caramel sweetness was present too – not enough to overpower the Mosaic hops though. Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA finished off bitter, crisp, and dry with a hint of mango.

Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA is something different and interesting though the Mosaic hops could have been toned down just a bit.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA

Ise Kadoya Mosaic IPA is a limited edition beer and as such, may have sold out at the time of publication. These places online last had it in stock when I checked:

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