Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen by Minoh Beer

Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen has a been a long time coming for BeerTengoku after my first, and only, experience with it at H@bit last year. It’s a 5.0% summer seasonal beer that is made from domestic peaches from Wakayama, in particular the arakawa peach (荒川の桃), a kind of white peach which is usually expensive to buy, crossed with the Minoh Weizen. The popularity of Minoh Kokusan Peach is such that when it comes on sale, customers are often limited to one bottle per customer or maybe two if you’re lucky.

Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen
Cloudy with a slight frothy head.
Minoh Momo Weizen @ H@bit
Minoh's limited edition peach weizen. Tart and fruity.

Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen Aroma and Taste

The bottled version of Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen looked very different to my last memory of it though that time it was on tap. The monkey, which can be seen on the Minoh Osaru IPA and Minoh Kozaru IPA adorns this one too, so it was only right to get a photo of it too. The body was a cloudy brownish-golden colour that could be mistaken for cloudy peach or apple juice, and a finger or two of naturally carbonated head. Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen had a wheat aroma along with a subtle spicy kick that balanced nicely with the fresh peach aroma too.

With fruit beers, I’m often wary of the brewers using artificial flavours to boost the profile in the taste but with Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen, there was no worry. Admittedly, it did come across like a fruit salad, with the banana and peach flavours intermingling throughout drinking, followed up by a flourish of cloves and spice. It didn’t leave any nasty chemical taste afterwards though I couldn’t drink too many of these as the main sticking point is the sweetness as after half of the bottle. It started to build up and left me wanting something sharper and more refreshing.

Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen One Line Review

Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen is an interesting take on the Minoh Weizen though the annual clamour for it is unwarranted.

Where to Buy Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen

Minoh Kokusan Peach Weizen can be bought at the following places online:

It can also be found at the following stores at the time of writing:

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