Thrashzone World Downfall Stout by Thrashzone Brew Labo

Yes, we’ve started reviewing draught / draft beers now on BeerTengoku and I couldn’t think of a better one than Thrashzone World Downfall Stout. It was the first beer I had in Thrash Zone and is always one I keep going back for. Well that, and the Thrashzone Speed Kills IPA. It’s a 7.6% stout brewed on a nano scale but it has always been on tap in the bar besides one time at New Year’s but we’ll let Katsuki-san off for being too busy that day.

Thrashzone World Downfall Stout

Small glass for us this time. Only so we can drink more glasses.

Thrashzone World Downfall Stout Review

From the get go Thrashzone World Downfall Stout is an extreme beer and is not going to slow down for anyone, especially not you. With his brand of thrash metal, Katsuki-san has created a stout that deserves respect because:

  • It’s got an abv of 7.6%,
  • It’s cheap at ¥700 a pint or ¥500 for a half and
  • It’s so bloody easy drinking that you’ll quickly drink it and order another.

Thrashzone World Downfall Stout was poured out into a regular Thrash zone glass with the merest of heads. More beer for your money rather than getting an inch of head you don’t want. The brownish off-white head sat upon a black body that gave off a nice aroma of roasted coffee and a strong punch of coffee and chocolate.

For those that have tried a Guinness or Kirin Black or any other kind of stout, then I suggest you get the small glass first as it’s not the alcohol that is going to hit you, but the flavours which have been set to 11. It’s a hoppy stout that could be mistaken for a black IPA but the coffee and chocolate flavours come through and keep it as a really nice stout. Now, when’s the next one?

Thrashzone World Downfall Stout One Line Review

There are no excuses for not trying Thrashzone World Downfall Stout if you’re in Yokohama. Drink it!

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Jesse July 3, 2015 - 6:18 pm

Speed kills! It’s the best!

Rob July 4, 2015 - 7:24 am

It’s great stuff but it was a tough choice between that and World Downfall Stout. Expect more though as I’m a regular there. 😀

See you there one day.

Rob July 9, 2015 - 3:56 pm

Review coming soon. 😀


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