Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi by Sankt Gallen Brewery

Those long days of walking from Ofuna to Kamakura for “fun” are long behind me though with Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi, they come flooding back with a smile on my face and blisters on my feet. Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi is a a 5% amber ale from Sankt Gallen and in the past has been a seasonal beer; however, I’ve seen it on sale all year round. It was brewed to celebrate the hard water of Kamakura which is deemed to give the drinker immortality, allegedly at least. Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi was first brewed in 2000.

Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi

I would love to try a soft water version of this beer.

Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi Aroma and Taste

Growing up in the UK, hard water was nothing special to celebrate. In fact, it was probably the opposite as it caused havoc for kettles, pots and pans with limescale build up eventually damaging them. So why anyone would brew a beer to celebrate it is beyond me, though Sankt Gallen Brewery seem to think it was, so why would we disagree with them? Who doesn’t love a bit of limescale in their (second) favourite beer glass?

Take care with Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi as it’s a lively one to say the least. Not quite a Brewmaster Oatmeal Stout level of explosion mind but disappointingly, I still lost a fair bit of beer to the sink gods. What beer was left though had a deep red colour that was topped with a brownish white head that was the remnants of the mini-beer explosion. It was pretty fluffy and crisp while remaining in that state for a few minutes. The caramel aroma from the malts punched through that head on Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi, along with some metallic calcium smell that brought back my childhood.

That metallic nose on the beer came through in the body of the beer and left a slightly calcified aftertaste on the tongue. The sweet caramel aroma came through too and thankfully washed some of the calcium taste away from my tastebuds for which I am very grateful.

Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi One Line Review

If Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi is a celebration to hard water, then it has succeeded. Personally, it feels like a gimmicky beer really.

Where to Buy Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi

I got my bottle of Sankt Gallen Kita Kamakura no Megumi from World Gourmet in Yokohama though I have also seen it in Nomono in Akihabara.

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