Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen by Hakkaisan Sake Brewing

And you thought Hakkaisan was just a brand of sake, right? Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen is a 5% hefeweizen made in Niigata by Hakkaisan Sake Brewing. It is available in both small 350ml bottles but we like things big and were glad to see Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen in 500ml bottles too. Hakkaisan Sake Brewing though don’t seem to be sharing the love for this beer though as there is very little information about it on their website.

Hakkaisan Weizen

Made with fresh water from locally sourced snow. Perhaps.

Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen Aroma and Taste

I should admit that this is one of my go to beers after a hard day’s snowboarding up in Echigo Yuzawa and am a bit loathed to review it. Why? Well, it’s great to have some beers that I just drink because I want to drink something though Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen was one of my first craft beers I tried after the mind explosion of its older sake sibling.

Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen poured out a bright gold colour that accentuated the condensation on the side of the weizen glass. The head though wasn’t as ample or as lively as other hefeweizens we’ve had in the past though it did linger like a good weizen should. Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen had a subtle banana aroma with a mild wheat pungency to it; however, it didn’t have the spiciness that I would have liked from the cloves.

As I sipped on it, I was immediately transported back to the winter of 2011, and being in an outside onsen with this beer in hand. A no-no I know but memories. Back then I thought Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen was a mild weizen and I still think that now. It was refreshing enough to quench my thirst and also flavourful enough to enjoy everything going on. It finished off a little bitter, almost if someone had added some hops in the end.

Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen One Line Review

Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen is a great introduction to the world of weizens, along with Coedo White, though wheat-heads may scorn it’s delicateness.

Where to Buy Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen

Hakkaisan Izumi Weizen can be bought at the shops listed on the Hakkaisan Sake Brewing website here. The only place we’ve found it online is at Craftbeers.jp here. We’ve also seen it on sale at Nomono in Akihabara station

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Oliver January 14, 2018 - 9:28 am

I think it is one of the weaker weizen beers available. I have had it a couple of times, as it is often available at Kitano Ace, but also at other shops, both the small and large bottles. In general, I have the feeling that it is a bit watery, although sometimes it does taste good, but sometimes it is not so great. Maybe my taste buds are not as good as they were in the past, but feel that the quality varies a bit.

Rob January 18, 2018 - 6:56 am

For someone just getting into weizens, it’s a nice gentle introduction to the banana and clove flavours. I’ve had some weizens from Germany that have been phenolic heavy and tough to drink at first. Takes time to get used to the flavours it seems.


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