Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock by Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu

Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock is a frustrating beer to get hold off. It’s sold during the winter months yet trying to get a single bottle of it is annoying in the slightest. Few places stock the regular Fujizakura Heights Beer at the best of times, so when I came across Fujizakura Weizenbock at Yamaoka, I grabbed it and held on to it. The Fujizakura Heights Beer Online Store does stock it, but from a minimum of a four pack. Damn snowman.

Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock

That snowman is evil. Those evil eyes looking out at you.

Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock Aroma and Taste

If you’ve had the Fujizakura Heights Weizen then you’re pretty much knowing what’s coming. A souped up version of…wait. What do you mean you’ve not had it? Ok. I can cope with that. Fujizakura Weizenbock had a one-finger sized head that didn’t last long before dissipating into a thin ring around the edge of the glass on top of a golden body. Then an over pouring of aromas just flooded out without even a thought about my olfactory senses. Apricot and wheat and banana and spices and yeast and malt. Arggghhh! My nose couldn’t take it much longer. I had to drink it.

Weizenbocks really should come with a health warning and Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock makes a bold case for why. They lure you in like the sirens of old, with your guard down then they gently screw up your taste buds before leaving you a drooling drunk wreck on the floor.

Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock does exactly that with its malty caramel front that slowly blends cinnamon. Its syrupy texture is awash with hints of the weizen banana and wheat that I’m slowly starting to like though Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock is a wee bit on the sweet side yet the 7%, although I could swear it was more, of alcohol never impairs the taste.

Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock One Line Review

Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock is a great great weizenbock that could do with reigning in the sweetness just a wee bit.

Where to Buy Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock

We got our bottle from Yamaoka in Kyoto, though Fujizakura Heights Weizenbock can be bought from the Fuji Kanko Kaihatsu list of online stores here.

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1 comment

Oliver January 15, 2019 - 9:57 pm

I fully agree with the review. This is a great weizenbock, no doubt about it. I got the last two bottles at Okadaya in Nagoya this winter, but in other years I could not get a single bottle. Buy it if you see it!


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