Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss by Karuizawa Brewery

Rob threw this at me in a supermarket, and then we both promptly forgot about it (I believe we were distracted by some El Diablo Barley Wine). I tried to search for it on the Karuizawa website but to no avail; Japanese brewery websites are not very promptly maintained, in my experience. Damn it to hell, I suppose I’ll have to dust off the old eyeballs and do this the old fashioned way, an agonising process known as “reading the label on the can”.

Well, that was a harrowing experience. I emerged unscathed, however, to tell you that it’s a god damn limited edition winter beer. There.

Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss

A winter version of the Karuizawa Asama Kogen Weiss.

Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss Nose and Flavour

Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss pours out a bright, opaque lemony colour with a little amount of foam. The fruity nose rapidly dissipates but the flavour is big, with a kind of berry-esque taste. By the time I’d drank half the glass the nose had entered the negative zone but the taste was still as strong as ever. It’s pretty aggressively carbonated (or am I just getting old?). But hey, sometimes it’s nice to drink things other than IPAs and give the tastebuds a rest.

Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss One Line Review

If you want a Weiss, you can’t go wrong with Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss – as long as you can grab it while it’s still about. The flavour is well rounded, not too watery, and it didn’t give me horrible heartburn (So old, I am). I’ll get used to this “light beers are winter beers” concept yet.

Where to Buy Karuizawa Asama Kogen Winter Weiss

Due to the big push behind Karuizawa weiss from the parent company, Dover Ltd., this beer is fairly widely available in department stores and alcohol stores at the time of writing. If in doubt, then Karuizawa Brewery have a list of shops here where you can buy their beers.


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