Unazuki Beer Kolsch by Unazuki Beer

Unazuki Beer Kolsch is based on a traditional kölsch recipe out of Cologne, Germany that was originally brewed in the the 13th to 15th century. I’m not saying Unazuki Beer Kolsch is that old. The kanji 十字峡 refers to the design on the can and can be translated as “cross the gorge”. It is available in both can or bottles.

Unazuki Beer Kolsch

Mind tha gap! Mind the gap!

Unazuki Beer Kolsch Aroma and Taste

Thinking that this was a kölsch, I poured it into a regular beer pint glass but the colour of Unazuki Beer Kolsch was far deeper than a regular kölsch. Hmmm, wonder what’s going here? The deep orange colour was also muddied with particles in there. I had to run out of the room to check my beer book to ensure what I knew what a kölsch was and this isn’t ticking any of the boxes. The aroma was verging on bananas and caramel. What on earth was I smelling?

After a confusing five minutes, it was time to drink it. Heck, even I was unsure whether to actually drink this. If this wasn’t a kölsch, what the hell is Unazuki Beer Kolsch? Bottoms up. The metallic tinge to it with a weird buttery, ahem diacteyl, taste to it just confused the senses even more. The sour, perhaps bitter, aftertaste was unwelcome. This is one beer I just had to try and finish with the help of some spicy foods.

Unazuki Beer Kolsch One Line Review

Unazuki Beer Kolsch doesn’t come with any recommendations, perhaps it’s just me but save your money on this one.

Where to Buy Unazuki Beer Kolsch

Unazuki Beer Kolsch can be bought from the Unazuki Beer online page here. Else, we picked up this can from National Azabu in Hiroo here.

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