Coedo Ruri by Coedo Brewery

Coedo Ruri is one of Coedo’s five bottled beers and is named after the colour that is supposed to elicit clear blue skies, or the gemstone lapis. It is a German style pilsner beer brewed from a variety of hops and malts. Coedo Ruri is generally available in can form but has been seen in bottle form too.

Coedo Ruri

Ruri, ruri, ruri! Do you know what you are doing to me?

Coedo Ruri Aroma and Taste

Coedo Ruri doesn’t look like the sky at all. Thankfully. I was expecting a blue tinged beer; however, it pours out a crystal golden colour without any sediment or particles in it. I guess that’s what ‘ruri’ means. There wasn’t much head to the beer either, perhaps about one finger’s worth that fades away relatively quickly. There is a gentle aroma of hops and malt to Coedo Ruri but nothing that you’ll find offensive or harsh.

As a pilsner, it isn’t bad. Coedo Ruri is mildly carbonated and tastes like a pilsner should do. It’s crisp and has a malty taste to it as well as some hops that come through but not much of note really. It finishes off with a little bit of bitterness to keep the taste buds awake but fades.

Coedo Ruri One-Line Review

Coedo Ruri is an average pilsner; it isn’t bad but then it isn’t going to have you come back screaming for more.

Where to Buy Coedo Ruri

Coedo Ruri can be found quite readily in department stores across Japan. If you’re having problems finding it, Queens Isetan are known to stock it.

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Oliver November 15, 2015 - 7:19 pm

I fully agree. An average pilsner, easy to drink. A little bit more hops would be nice.

Rob November 21, 2015 - 3:11 pm

Have you tried their Marihana yet?


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