Baird Morning Coffee Stout by Baird Beer

Baird Morning Coffee Stout by Baird Beer is a 7% stout by Baird Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. They must have been psychic when they came up with Morning Coffee Stout. Blending coffee and beer together, Morning Coffee Stout is brewed once a year as part of their Seasonal Baird Beer listing. The variety of coffee used changes every year, so no two years are the same with this 2014 edition containing organic fair-trade beans from Peru. The 2017 version uses Java coffee beans. The beans are added whole, direct to the stout in the conditioning tanks.

Baird Morning Coffee Stout New
Baird Morning Coffee Stout
Morning Coffee Stout
Coffee and beer. My two favourite beers in one, thanks Baird.

Morning Coffee Stout Aroma and Taste

Morning Coffee Stout has a nice thick, black body to it which reminded me of my morning double espresso. The thin creamy white head didn’t last long in the glass, akin the crema found on that perfect espresso. Aroma. Do I need to spell it out? It reeks of coffee. The roasted malts found in stout did come through a bit but this beer is all about the coffee aromas.

Drinking Morning Coffee Stout is much more different from smelling it. Coffee is an overpowering smell. It’s often said that if you sell your house, brew coffee as people are looking around to help them ignore the dodgy smells. But with Morning Coffee Stout, there are no dodgy smells or tastes to hide. The sweetness of the stout comes through along with the roasted malts. The coffee notes were more subdued than expected but the bitterness of the coffee does finish off the beer well.

Morning Coffee Stout One-Line Review

Morning Coffee Stout is a beer for morning, early afternoon, and the evening. It’s a slow sipping beer that deserves to be tried.

Where to Buy Morning Coffee Stout

Morning Coffee Stout is brewed late Winter and is usually sold in March as part of the Baird Beer Seasonal series. It can be bought in the pubs, or online in bottled form. We got ours from Sake No Taniguchi here.

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