Kure Kolsch is a 5% kölsch style beer from Kure Beer, based in Hiroshima, and is part of their all-year round range of beer. It’s brewed with wheat in the mash and Kure Beer have deemed this beer to be popular with female customers. Kure Kolsch is a multiple award-winning beer and at the time of writing, it most recently won gold medal at the Asia Beer Cup in 2014. This beer can be found in both bottles and on draft as well.

Very cloudy and estery
Kure Kolsch Aroma and Taste
Kure Kolsch poured out a very cloudy colour – something quite surprising for a kölsch style beer. I thought it was down to a chill haze as there was visible sediment in the glass, and it wasn’t yeast. The aroma coming off of it was bitter and fruity, with a slight lemon citrus aroma to it. There was also some esters in the nose too with a slight pear like aroma to it too. There wasn’t any discernible malt profile to it in the nose though.
The body to Kure Kolsch was quite estery in the body too, something that is needed in a kölsch beer. Usually, it indicates an off-flavour but it’s supposed to be present in a kölsch. It was certainly a zesty beer too, with a strong bitterness in the initial taste which carried on through to the aftertaste too. Kure Kolsch was a very easy beer to drink but lacked a decent refreshing quality to it.
Kure Kolsch One Line Review
Kölsch beers still have a long way to go in Japan and Kure Kolsch is no exception. It’s ok but nothing special.
Where to Buy Kure Kolsch
Kure Kolsch can be bought online at the following places: