If you’re new to rauch or smoked beers, Passific Moke will break you in gently to a wonderful world of flavours.
Kanto Beer
Looking for craft beers from Kanto? You’ve hit the spot.
Maybe the water or rice needs refining some more for the next batch of 808 Oyama Ale.
What is a wallonian pils if not a beer from Wallanoia? Passific Nero is an example of one but can’t find any others in Japan.
Do you like cats and slopes? Well then Kanpai! Nekomatazaka would be right up your street.
808 Bark At The Moon is a beer Ozzy would be proud of.
Do hops help remove poisons from the body? Who knows but maybe trying some Passific Poison Remover for science will help find the answer.
Lagers are making a return with craft beer but at this price, I’m happy with a local macro lager for a bigger can. Shame as Passific Lager is a nice …
Let’s Beer Works bring out some new hop for this beer, but you’ve got to pay for it and that could put people off.
Why purr when you can roar with flavour? That’s what Let’s Beer Works Roar of Citra does, but at a price.
808 IPA needs reworking if it’s to be a regular beer.