Vertere Laxmannia is a 7% American IPA from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Vertere Laxmannia is a single hop IPA, and the hop that Vertere chose is Vic Secret – a relatively new hop to craft beer having been first implemented in 2013 from Australia.

Vertere Laxmannia : At A Glance
- Alcohol: 7%
- Style: American IPA
- Hops: Vic Secret
- Adjuncts: –
- IBU: 66
Sale Information
- Availability: –
- On Sale: From October 2022
- Size: 500 ml
- Price: From ¥1000
Aroma & Taste
- Notable Aroma: Pineapple and sweet candy with some pine resinous notes.
- Notable Taste: Light candy flavour with pineapple and citrus notes along with a faint dank edge to it. Light bodied with lingering fruity flavour.
Vertere Laxmannia : Aroma & Taste
Why Vertere chose to make an American IPA with Vic Secret is beyond me but who am I to tell brewers what they should, or shouldn’t, do? What I do know is that I do like Vic Secret hops and am always happy to find a beer that uses their tropical flavours well.
Vertere Laxmannia poured out a slightly hazy vibrant golden yellow colour with a large plump head on top that clung to the edge of the glass, leaving white streaks and rings down the side of the glass. The aroma began with candied pineapple aroma that had a hint of lemon but with the unmistakable nose of a piney resinous aroma that punctuated through the tropical aroma. In terms of malt, Vertere Laxmannia didn’t have much of a nose going on, besides a faint sweetness to it, though that could be attributed to the hop and it being a slightly candied nose.
The body had a big, bold bitterness to it with an underlying backbone of sweet candied pineapple, but the piney notes also came through Vertere Laxmannia – a very interesting combination of flavours to be honest. The body was rather light, with just a touch of sweetness but again, it was hard to know if it was from the malts or the hops used in making Vertere Laxmannia. The piney notes did linger through, as did the pineapple, which made for interesting drinking.
Vertere Laxmannia : The Bottom Line
Perhaps the lack of body in an American IPA compared to other styles of IPA helped the hops in Vertere Laxmannia shine through. A good beer from Vertere.
Vertere Laxmannia : Where to Buy
Vertere Laxmannia can be bought online at the following places: