Home Beer ReviewDraft Review Toranomon Brewery : Roundup

Toranomon Brewery : Roundup

by Rob

Rather than writing up individual reviews for these beers, we’ve come up with a page of beers for our recent trip toToranomon Brewery – which is a brewpub located in Toranomon Hills in Tokyo. As these are draught beers, there is no guarantee that they will be on tap if and when you go there.

Toranomon Brewery Beer 2

Toranomon Honey Lager : Details

  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : German lager
  • IBU :

Toranomon Honey Lager : Mini Review

Appearance : Slightly hazy straw like appearance with a plump white head of fine white bubbles.

Aroma : Big honey aroma from the beer, not a surprise, though a touch strong. Could do with dialling back a bit as it dominates drinking, some floral hop aroma present but muted in comparison.

Body : On the sweet side due to the honey, with some light bitter snap during drinking, but it’s all about the honey here. Floral hops are muted and does get a bit sickly after a while. Nice one drink beer, but that’s enough.

Toranomon Brewery Beer 3

Toranomon Freedom Lager : Details

  • Alcohol : 4.7%
  • Style : Helles
  • IBU :

Toranomon Freedom Lager : Mini Review

Appearance : Didn’t get a very good pour – look at the size of that head – but the body was relatively clean and clear.

Aroma : Biscuity aroma of malt with some clean floral hoppy aroma that balanced out against it. No discernible off aroma present.

Body : Light bodied with a clean bitter snap at the beginning. Malt forward with some hoppy floral bite being present during drinking. Decent well-made be – shame about the pour.

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