Kyoto Easy Does It by Kyoto Brewing Company

Kyoto Easy Does It is a 12% Barleywine from Kyoto Brewing Company based in Kyoto, in Japan. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing, though it is part of their Toppa series of beers. Kyoto Easy Does It is brewed using Pilsner, Golden Promise, and Vienna malts and unlike other Barleywines, this uses a blend of American and Belgian yeast during fermentation.

Kyoto Easy Does It

Kyoto Easy Does It : At A Glance


  • Alcohol : 12%
  • Style : Barleywine
  • Hops :
  • IBU :

Sale Information

  • Availability : Toppa series
  • On Sale : From December 2022
  • Size : 350 ml
  • Price : From 700 yen

Aroma & Taste

  • Notable Aromas : Light dried fruit aroma alongside some fruity phenols and a lingering candied sugar. Warming alcohol heat later on with slight caramel notes.
  • Notable Tastes : Smooth with no bitterness. Fruity flavour of dried fruits, and fruity phenols. Medium-dry body with light sweetness of candied sugar.

Kyoto Easy Does It : Aroma & Taste

Kyoto Easy Does It poured out a dark ruby orange red colour with a medium amount of white head on top though it faded to some lacing down the glass. The aroma was quite light for a Barleywine with some light dried fruit of raisins and plums alongside some fruity peach phenols from the yeast. There was a touch of candied sugar sweetness to Kyoto Easy Does It – not enough to be cloying but definitely balanced against the fruitiness. As the beer warmed up, there was a lingering alcohol heat present, but that wasn’t a surprise seeing as Kyoto Easy Does It is 12%.

The body began with a smooth sweetness of dried fruits – more of the same as in the nose so plums and raisins – and the aforementioned peachy phenol quality was present too. The body was a medium-dry with some candied sugar being noted but again, not being cloying. There was of course the obvious alcohol heat to Kyoto Easy Does It as it warmed up but that was to style and expected. In the end, there was a lingering alcohol fruitiness that was on the light side.

Kyoto Easy Does It : The Bottom Line

Kyoto Easy Does It is a nice twist on a style that is often cloying or phenol heavy.

Kyoto Easy Does It : Where to Buy

Kyoto Easy Does It can be bought online at the following places:

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