Hikone Porter by Hikone Brewing

Hikone Porter is a 5.5% American porter from Hikone Brewing, based in Hikone, in Shiga, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on draught at various places across Japan. Like some of the other beers from Hikone Brewing, Hikone Porter comes in a variety of labels but this one is the OG from the brewery – all the others are the same beer, just spruced up to part you from your cash.

Hikone Porter

Hikone Porter : At A Glance


  • Alcohol : 5.5%
  • Style : American Porter
  • Hops :
  • IBU : 30

Sale Information

  • Availability : Regular
  • On Sale : From August 2020
  • Size : 330 ml
  • Price : From 600 yen

Aroma & Taste

  • Notable Aromas : Roasted malt with chocolate and coffee. Light on the nose with some acrid notes when warm.
  • Notable Tastes : Light for a porter with similar notes to the nose of chocolate and coffee. Light acrid black malt notes.

Hikone Porter : Aroma & Taste

Hikone Porter poured out a pitch black colour with a massive amount of frothy tan head on top that took what seemed like forever to calm down. Once it had, there were some sticky streaks left down the side of the glass, though they were swiftly dealt with as the beer washed them away. The initial aroma was of a light roasted malt which moved on to some chocolate and coffee notes, that were too of the light kind – nothing bold or brash about Hikone Porter in spite of being styled as an American porter. As Hikone Porter warmed up though, there was a rough note of acrid black malt – which is apparently in keeping with the style – a weird aroma to want a beer to have. But who am I to judge on those?

The body was rather light and dry for a porter, and in conjunction with that acrid black malt, definitely took some getting used to. The light flavours of chocolate and coffee in Hikone Porter helped during drinking but I couldn’t help reminisce about a robust porter and how much I enjoy them. The burnt quality found in an American porter is something that I really don’t think I can enjoy especially seeing as I don’t think it is a positive flavour to promote.

Hikone Porter : The Bottom Line

Hikone Porter matches to the style of an American porter but it’s not a style that I care for I think.

Hikone Porter : Where to Buy

Hikone Porter can be bought online at the following places:

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