Cheap Chic Saison by Cheap Chic Brewing

Cheap Chic Saison is a 5% saison from Cheap Chic Brewing, based in Aizuwakamatsu, in Fukushima, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found in draught form at the time of writing.

Cheap Chic Saison : At A Glance


  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : Saison
  • Hops :
  • IBU :


Aroma & Taste

  • Notable Aromas : Fruity phenolic aroma with light sweetness and dry nose. Light orange like aroma when warm.
  • Notable Tastes : Dry body with light fruity phenolic flavours and lingering sweetness. Light spiciness when warm.

Cheap Chic Saison : Aroma & Taste

I know some people may wonder what the heck was going on with this picture – well the keg kicked during pouring but the staff at Craftsman Yokohama took pity on me, it was the second beer that I had ordered and had kicked on me.

Cheap Chic Saison poured out a slightly hazy golden straw colour with a plump white head that left lots of lacing down the side of the glass. The aroma was a light fruity phenolic aroma with a light sweetness going on. The aroma smelt dry – I don’t know if that is possible – but it really did smell dry. As Cheap Chic Saison warmed up, there was a light orange aroma present though it was less potent than the fruity phenols.

The body to Cheap Chic Saison was dry from the get go – nothing juicy about this beer. There was a smooth fruity phenolic flavour lingering throughout drinking, with an underlying touch of sweetness helping to keep the flavours going. As the beer warmed up, there was a light spiciness to proceedings, not in a potent way but enough to prick up the taste buds before letting the fruity phenols take over.

Cheap Chic Saison : The Bottom Line

Cheap Chic Saison is a well made saison that I will be keeping an eye out for in the future.

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