Hideji Stout by Miyazaki Hideji Beer

Hideji Stout is a 6% stout from Miyazaki Hideji Beer, based in Miyazaki, in Kyushu, Japan. It’s part of their winter lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. At the time of writing, it is unknown as to what hops and malts went into the making of Hideji Stout, but as soon as we found out, we’ll let you know.

Hideji Stout

Hideji Stout : At A Glance


  • Alcohol : 6%
  • Style : Stout
  • Hops : Unknown
  • IBU : 25

Sale Information

  • Availability : Winter
  • On Sale : N/A
  • Size : 330 ml
  • Price : From 600 yen

Aroma & Taste

  • Notable Aromas : Nutty with strong chocolate and coffee aroma. No noticeable acrid or strong black notes.
  • Notable Tastes : Subtle roasted black malt nutty flavour with some chocolate and coffee. Light bodied for a stout.

Hideji Stout : Aroma & Taste

Hideji Stout poured out a pitch black colour with a thin amount of ever-so-slightly light brown head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. The aroma coming off the beer was rather simple, with some nuttiness to it alongside the prototypical chocolate and coffee aromas. As Hideji Stout warmed up, I didn’t notice any acridness from the malts, though there was a touch of light roasted black malt going on.

I have to start off and say how thin the body was for a 6% stout – I was honestly expecting something bolder, if not a little thicker, really. The flavours were well balanced, with a subtle roasted black malt flavour, and a nutty flavour cutting through it, with the prototypical chocolate and coffee flavours, but they never really lingered or developed into anything further as the body was too thin.

Hideji Stout : The Bottom Line

Hideji Stout is drinkable but it’s a bit too light bodied for my liking for a stout.

Hideji Stout : Where To Buy

Hideji Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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