41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale by 41 Beer Craft Works

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale is a 7% pale ale from 41 Beer Craft Works, based in Yoichi, in Hokkaido, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. 41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale can be found in both cans and on draught, and is brewed using hops sourced from Kami-Furano – one of Japan’s leading hop growing areas.

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale : At A Glance


  • Alcohol : 7%
  • Style : American Pale Ale
  • Hops : Unknown
  • IBU : 35

Sale Information

  • Availability : Unknown
  • On Sale : From February 2022
  • Size : 350 ml
  • Price : From 700 yen

Aroma & Taste

  • Notable Aromas : Musty cardboard aroma with grassiness. Slight pilsner malt aroma.
  • Notable Tastes : Grassy flavour to the dry and light body. Low bitterness to start and follow through. Low alcohol heat.

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale : Aroma & Taste

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale poured out a rather muddy dark golden brown colour with a meagre amount of white head on top. What head there was, faded to a few bubbles around the side of the glass. The aroma was mixed one – some musty, oxidised cardboard scent was noted, in spite of this can being relatively fresh at less than a couple of weeks old. Once the beer had warmed up, there was a touch of light pilsner bite to it, but nothing could take away from the grassy, musty aromas.

The body began with a light bitterness to it that faded fast into obscurity as the musty, oxidised cardboard flavour came screaming through, like a child trying to be first in line. That flavour pretty much lasted right through to the end, with just a touch of citrus – maybe the hops were at fault here as 41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale was not a nice beer to drink really. At 7%, there wasn’t any discernible alcohol heat that would have helped the beer.

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale : The Bottom Line

Perhaps Kami-Furano hops aren’t widely used for good reason, as 41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale shows.

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale : Where To Buy

41 Beer Kamifu Sawamachi Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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