West Coast Buckle Up is a 9.5% Belgian triple IPA from West Coast Brewing Company, based in Mochimune, in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range, with this having being brewed with Be Easy Brewing. West Coast Buckle Up is brewed using Citra, Eukanot, and Mosaic hops, and is then spiced using organic matcha and then sichuan peppers. At the time of writing, its availability is unknown.
West Coast Buckle Up Aroma and Taste
I went into drinking West Coast Buckle Up thinking it was going to be a Belgian triple IPA – you know, with phenoically aroma and flavours going on with some American influence in the hops. Well I guess the old adage of don’t judge a book by its cover works here.
West Coast Buckle Up poured out a hazy golden yellow colour with a thin amount of white head on top that faded fairly quickly to leave a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. The aroma though was not one of either a Belgian beer, or an American IPA, but instead of tea and peppers – something that I was kind of expecting to be more prominent as the beer warmed up, but not as much as this when chilled. The aromas really did dominate the profile of the beer, with just a faint amount of malt sweetness coming through and some lemon-like quality to the nose.
The body packed a punch of prickly peppers, with a spiciness of heat that permeated through, and lingered. Not enough to get you reaching for the milk, but there was some numbness on the palate afterwards – a known “side-effect” of sichuan peppers. This meant that a lot of the delicate flavours were perhaps lost on me as all I got from West Coast Buckle Up was the spice and then the tea-like quality that you get with a fresh cup of matcha and some grassiness. I really couldn’t get past the peppers and tea – I tried though but the numbness increased as I drank more of the beer.
West Coast Buckle Up The Bottom Line
West Coast Buckle Up is labelled wrong – it’s not a Belgian IPA at all but a spiced beer. If you know that, then at least you won’t make the same mistake as me.
Where to Buy West Coast Buckle Up
West Coast Buckle Up can be bought online at the following places: