Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA by Two Rabbits Brewing Company

Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA is a 6% English IPA from Two Rabbits Brewing Company, based in Omihachiman, in Shiga, Japan. It’s part of their “ocean” lineup of IPAs and can be found in both cans and on draught at various places across Japan. As the name suggests, Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA takes its influence from the Atlantic region of the world with an English IPA base and American hops. The hops used in this beer include Challenger, Golding, and Centennial.

Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA

Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA Aroma and Taste

Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA poured out a dark orange red colour with a thin amount of white head on top that popped away to leave a thin ring of bubbles around the side of the glass. Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA definitely smelt like an English IPA, with a strong caramel and biscuit aroma, with an earthy hoppy aroma, though the American hops did bring a semblance of citrus lemon and grapefruit aroma to the beer.

The body to Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA very much tasted like a glass of English IPA had been mixed with an American IPA – think a large sweet caramel component with a citrus and earthy hoppy flavour to it. There was some general taste of bitterness to Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA as well; however, it was very muddled up and I couldn’t really decide if it was a good idea. Once Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA had warmed up some more, a more tea-like element came though the beer, with a roasted quality to it that detracted away from the American influence.

Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA The Bottom Line

Of the “ocean” series of beers, Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA is my least favourite.

Where To Buy Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA

Two Rabbits Atlantic IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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