Home » Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA by Tokyo Aleworks

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA by Tokyo Aleworks

by Rob

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA is a 7% West Coast IPA from Tokyo Aleworks, based in Itabashi, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found both on tap, and in bottles too. Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA was brewed to celebrate the opening of their Yurakucho taproom back in September 2020, and is also one of their regular lineup of beers there.

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA Aroma and Taste

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA poured out a deep dark golden honey colour with a frothy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. The aroma was a dank and citrus one, with a subtle edge of spice once the beer had warmed up somewhat. The hops were potent, but there was also a slight butterscotch aroma – was it diacetyl or not – that wasn’t offputting but did come out once the beer had warmed up. Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA overall smelt very nice but was much bolder than the usual West Coast IPAs I’ve had from Japanese breweries.

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA brought a bitter punch from the start, that segued into the dank and citrus flavours that were similar to the aroma of the beer. The spiciness was reminiscent of pepper notes, with the butterscotch flavour being noticeable as well in the body. The body itself was also quite thick and bold – nothing delicate about Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA. The dank and citrus flavours lingered on into the aftertaste, with a malt caramel sweetness becoming more pronounced as Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA warmed up.

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA The Bottom Line

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA is a mixed up West Coast IPA – keep it simple and you’ll have a winner.

Where to Buy Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA

Tokyo Aleworks TASTY IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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