Vertere Decora by Vertere

Vertere Decora is a 7% Kveik IPA from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their can and draft lineup, though at the time of writing, its availability is unknown. As the style suggests, Vertere Decora is brewed using a strain of Kveik yeast though which one is unknown. Vertere Decora is brewed using Ella and Enigma hops.

Vertere Decora

Vertere Decora Aroma and Taste

Vertere Decora poured out a slightly hazy golden orange colour with a plump white head on top, though it didn’t last long, leaving some streaky white marks down in the inside of the glass. The aroma was a peculiar one with a fruitiness of peach and pear coming through – was it through the hops or from the Kveik? It’s hard to know without knowing which strain of yeast was used. There was a hint of citrus too going on once Vertere Decora had warmed up, along with some caramel notes from the malts, though the peach and pear aromas did dominate over a little bit too much.

As Vertere Decora’s aroma, the peach was stronger than the other flavours in the body. At 7%, there was some alcohol heat going on, with some hint of plastic alcohol flavour. It wasn’t unwelcome but not was it welcome. Again, it could have been the alcohol or perhaps from the strain of yeast. The hops were a little bit more noticeable though, with some white grape of note once the beer had warmed up. The aftertaste was peculiar as the body, with some peachy, pear concoction going on, with a strange lingering alcohol-like heat to it all.

Vertere Decora The Bottom Line

Vertere Decora missed the boat with this beer. It’s ok but nothing worth hunting down for.

Where to Buy Vertere Decora

Vertere Decora can be bought online at the following places:

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