Y Market Morgenrot IPA by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Morgenrot IPA is a 6% American Red IPA from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap at various locations across Japan. Y Market Morgenrot IPA is brewed using Simcoe, Mosaic, and Cascade imported from the US along with Motueka imported from New Zealand. Y Market Morgenrot IPA takes its name from the German word “morgenroth”, which roughly translates to “early riser” with the implication being the colour of Y Market Morgenrot IPA.

Y Market Morgenrot IPA

Y Market Morgenrot IPA Aroma and Taste

Y Market Morgenrot IPA managed to live up to its name by pouring out a deep ruby red colour with some faint haziness going on. However, the head was certainly a riser with its plump, slight off-white colour creeping up the sides of the glass, before collapsing down on itself, leaving streaks along the side of the glass. Y Market Morgenrot IPA had a slightly peppery spice going on along with some citrusy notes of lemon and grapefruit too. The aromas were well-balanced, though the citrus aromas helped bring the pepperiness come through a bit stronger.

Rather than the bitterness from the hops being the initial taste, it was the pepperiness from the malts that was the prominent flavour. The hops did come through a bit later, with some lemon and grapefruit, but it was more about the malts in Y Market Morgenrot IPA – a tad surprising considering this is a Y Market Brewing effort. Once Y Market Morgenrot IPA had warmed up, the malt sweetness came through a bit more, with the citrusy flavours lingering in the background more and more. Y Market Morgenrot IPA finished off with a slight bitterness that supplanted the pepperiness, though only just.

Y Market Morgenrot IPA The Bottom Line

Y Market Morgenrot IPA is a peculiar beer from a brewery more known for hop flavours.

Where to Buy Y Market Morgenrot IPA

Y Market Morgenrot IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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