Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match by Devilcraft Brewery

Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match is a 7.5% West Coast India Pale Lager from Devilcraft Brewery, based in Shinagawa, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their draft line up, though due to COVID-19, it began to be bottled. As such, its availability at the time of writing is unknown.

Devilcraft Devil's Death Match・デビルクラフト デビルズデスマッチ

Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match Aroma and Taste

Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match poured out a slightly hazy dark golden straw colour with a plump white head on top that collapsed in on itself to a leave a thin ring of bubbles on top. Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match had an interesting aroma to it – some light malt caramel sweetness to it, with a dank, resinous nose that stayed firmly in the nose. Once Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match had warmed up, there was a light citrus dusting to it, with some notes of lemon and grapefruit. There was also a slight pilsner aroma to the beer as well – really weird as I don’t know if any pilsner malt had been used.

Choosing to merge a West Coast style IPA, with lager yeast was an inspired choice I must say. The malt caramel sweetness, with a dry body worked really well together. The resinous pine notes came through from start to finish, with a bold bitterness from the hops that was pronounced though didn’t linger. Then came the citrus flavours to take away some of the pine edge to it, only to start all over again when I had the next sip of beer. Cue a cyclical flavour of tasting that, as Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match got warmer, lent more and more towards a drier beer with clean flavours. The aftertaste was mostly dank, with citrus notes remaining.

Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match The Bottom Line

Give me more! An interesting style to cross with a lager.

Where to Buy Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match

Devilcraft Devil’s Death Match can be bought online at the following places:

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