Home Beer Review Devilcraft Party Puff by Devilcraft Brewery

Devilcraft Party Puff by Devilcraft Brewery

by Rob
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Devilcraft Party Puff is a 4.5% rice lager from Devilcraft Brewery, based in Shinagawa, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their draft line up, though due to COVID-19, it began to be bottled. As such, its availability at the time of writing is unknown. As the name suggests, Devilcraft Party Puff is brewed using puffed rice cereal, aka Rice Krispies.

Devilcraft Party Puff・デビルクラフト パーティパフ

Devilcraft Party Puff Aroma and Taste

Devilcraft Party Puff poured out a very light golden yellow colour with a brief moment of fluffy white head that collapsed to leave a few bubbles around the side of the glass. Devilcraft Party Puff had a noble floral like hop aroma to it, with an unusual creamy aroma to it. Maybe it was from the puffed rice, but it reminded me a little bit of creamed corn and sulphur – not something I would normally associate with a rice lager in this large a quantity in terms of aroma. As Devilcraft Party Puff got warmer, that same aroma got stronger though it was still on the pleasant side of creaminess but be warned if you don’t like creaminess in the beer.

Devilcraft Party Puff tasted better than it smelt though – the creaminess was restrained in the body with the noble floral hop flavour bringing some faint bitterness to the beer. The creaminess was present but just present enough in the background not to dominate over the other flavours going on. Devilcraft Party Puff had a dry body to it, and with the relatively low alcohol, wasn’t offensive. However, once Devilcraft Party Puff had warmed up, the creaminess did become more pronounced and felt a little weird.


Devilcraft Party Puff The Bottom Line

I didn’t love Devilcraft Party Puff but then I didn’t hate it. It’s firmly entrenched in the meh area.

Where to Buy Devilcraft Party Puff

Devilcraft Party Puff can be bought online at the following places:

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