Nomcraft Golden Ale by Nomcraft Brewing

Nomcraft Golden Ale is a 5.5% golden ale from Nomcraft Brewing, based in Aridagawa, in Wakayama, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. It’s brewed with 5 different hops: Hallertau Blanc, Magnum, Mandarina Bavaria, Mosaic, and Summit.

Nomcraft Golden Ale・ノンクラフトゴールデン・エール

Nomcraft Golden Ale Aroma and Taste

Nomcraft Golden Ale poured out a slightly hazy light orangey-yellow colour with a plump white head on top that was slow to collapse on itself. With a mixture of hops going on, I was initially expecting a cacophony of aromas going on, but all I could detect was some orange and a white grape, tussled in with some slight butteriness. It wasn’t a big butteriness, but compounded with the white grape aroma, it wasn’t one that I would associate with a golden ale.

The body was light and crisp with a hint of tartness – it wasn’t a sour flavour but it was something there that did make the taste buds take notice of it. The fruity orange and grape flavours helped to balance out some of the butteriness going on. It wasn’t an overpowering off-flavour but for some reason, it stood out.  Nomcraft Golden Ale’s fruity flavours lingered on into the aftertaste but faded soon once the beer had been swallowed.

Nomcraft Golden Ale The Bottom Line

Maybe it was a bad bottle I had got but Nomcraft Golden Ale wasn’t as enjoyable as the other beers I’ve had from Nomcraft.

Where to Buy Nomcraft Golden Ale

Nomcraft Golden Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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