DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout by DD4D Brewing

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout is an 9.5% imperial milk stout from DD4D Brewing, based in Ehime, in Shikoku, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup, and can be found in both bottles and on tap at various locations across Japan. As the name susggests, DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout uses lactose for the sweet stout part, and then cold brew coffee for the coffee stout part.

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout・DD4Dインペリアル・スウィート・コーヒー・スタウト

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout Aroma and Taste

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout poured out a pitch black colour with no discernible head – I mean this beer was more lifeless than a lifeless body. It didn’t seem to really develop any bubbles on the pour, and when I did try to induce some, they collapsed and popped in the blink of an eye. Without much of a surprise, the only aromas coming off DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout were of coffee and lactose, with the former being much stronger than expected but I guess if you use cold brew, then that is to be expected. When DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout had been given the time to warm up, there was a hint of chocolate and some black malts, but that warming up of the beer also allowed the coffee aromas to be much stronger as well.

The lifeless body to DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout was so evident that I had to open the second bottle soon after to ensure that it wasn’t just a leaked bottle. But even the second was as flat – had someone forgotten to carbonate this beer? Had someone put on some bad seals on the beer? The lactose and coffee aromas were strong but really didn’t hold up that well as the body, besides being lifeless, was also very thin. It just didn’t really seem to want to get going at all. A shame really as in the end DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout ended up resembling a beer that someone had left out over night after having drunk too much.

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout The Bottom Line

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout is lifeless and one-dimensional for me.

Where to Buy DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout

DD4D Imperial Sweet Coffee Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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