Yggdrasil Shonan Common by Yggdrasil Brewing

Yggdrasil Shonan Common is a 5% California common from Yggdrasil Brewing, based in Hiratsuka, in Kangawa, Japan. It’s part of their collaborative range, with this having been brewed with Rudy Brew in Kamakura. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Yggdrasil Shonan Common was put into bottles so it’s unknown at the time of writing if it will see the light of day again in bottles.

Yggdrasil Shonan Common・イグドラシル湘南コモン

Yggdrasil Shonan Common Aroma and Taste

California common, or steam beers, aren’t that popular (yes, I’m ignoring the pun!) in Japan, with BeerTengoku only having tried two common beers – Brimmer California Common being one of them. So it’s a little surprising to see Yggdrasil Shonan Common on the market. It poured out a slightly hazy straw colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass during drinking, leaving thick white streaks as the beer went down. The beer itself had some ale-like qualities to it – a subtle yeasty nose – though it was a fruity one once the beer had warmed up. There was a light dusting of malt sweetness to Yggdrasil Shonan Common, but it wasn’t overpowering or cloying in the nose.

The initial sip to Yggdrasil Shonan Common was soft and smooth with very little hoppiness to the beer. If anything, it was the fruitier aspect of Yggdrasil Shonan Common that was more noticeable than anything else in the beer. Once it had warmed up, there was a faint noble hop-like quality to the beer, but it was all about the yeasty flavours going on in the beer. The body was quite dry too to boot though nothing offensive was found during either drinking or the aftertaste.

Yggdrasil Shonan Common The Bottom Line

Yggdrasil Shonan Common is a tasty little beer but a little one-dimensional.

Where to Buy Yggdrasil Shonan Common

Yggdrasil Shonan Common can be bought online at the following places:

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