Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness is a 6.8% barrel aged saison, so a farmhouse ale, from Far Yeast Brewing Company’s Off Trail division. It’s part of their collaborative lineup, with this one being brewed with Edge Brewing from Australia. It can be found in both bottles and on tap, though it’s unknown whether it’s a one-off or not. It’s brewed using Koshu and Muscat Bailey A released last October  2019. After the main fermentation of Japanese Grape Saison, additional Muscat Bailey A was added and transferred to wine barrels and whiskey barrels. It is aged for 3 months after secondary fermentation by wild yeasts on the grape skin and microorganisms in the barrel.

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness・ファーイーストアスパイア・トゥ・グレープネス

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness Aroma and Taste

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness poured out a hazy bright ruby red colour with a pinkish head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the outside. There was a distinct cherry and grape aroma to the beer, though there was very little oakiness from the barrels. Once the beer had warmed up, there was a faint funky yeast aroma that managed to get through the grape-like aroma. In terms of malt, there was no discernible aroma that came through – either when chilled or when warmed up.

The funkiness to Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness was evident from the start, though again like the oakiness I was expecting, it was much lighter than your regular saison. The tart cherry and grape flavours came through the strongest, with just a hint of white wine-like quality to it. It seemed that the flavours were designed more around being nuanced than being bold or brash. Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness was also quite dry and thirst quenching too, though in the middle of winter, it’s perhaps not the best time to drink it. The yeast funk carried on into the after taste, but like so many of the other flavours, it was fast and fleeting.

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness The Bottom Line

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness is a delicate beer that needs warming up to be appreciated fully.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness

Far Yeast Aspire to Grapeness can be bought online at the following places:

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