Chichibu Yukiguma by Chichibu Beer

Chichibu Yukiguma is a 5% saison from Chichibu Beer, based in Chichibu, in Saitama, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round lineup, and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Chichibu Yukiguma takes its name from the “polar bear”, which are nowhere to be found in Chichibu – unless someone has drunk too much beer and had a few too lucid dreams.

Chichibu Yukiguma・秩父雪熊

Chichibu Yukiguma Aroma and Taste

Chichibu Yukiguma poured out a dark golden yellow colour with a light frothy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass so much that you could count the amount of sips, or gulps, it took me to drink. There was a faint creamy wheaty aroma coming off Chichibu Yukiguma, along with a light dusting of phenolics too, that weren’t overpowering but were neither forthcoming either.

The body to Chichibu Yukiguma was more of the underwhelming same really – some potential for a nice wheaty bite had been missed and the only really thought I had about Chichibu Yukiguma was that it was a bit thin on the taste. It could have done with some more body to it – both in terms of saison-like quality and mouthfeel. In the end, it ended up being a bit wishy-washy and was soon forgotten.

Chichibu Yukiguma The Bottom Line

Chichibu Yukiguma is a meh beer – it’s not outstandingly good nor bad.

Where to Buy Chichibu Yukiguma

Chichibu Yukiguma can be bought online at the following places:

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