Ageuma Dunkel by Hosokawa Brewery

Ageuma Dunkel is a 5% dunkel beer from Hosokawa Brewery, based in Kuwana, in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on tap at various locations across Japan. Like the other beers in the Ageuma Beer range, Ageuma Dunkel is certified as being 100% organic, and uses imported organic malts and hops from Germany.

Ageuma Dunkel・上馬ビール ドゥンケル

Ageuma Dunkel Aroma and Taste

Ageuma Dunkel poured out a ruby reddish brown colour with a large amount of frothy off-white reddish head on top that clung to the side of the glass. Those hop heads among the readers of BeerTengoku should probably turn away now as there was nothing of note coming off the nose in terms of hops. It was all about the caramel and plummy notes emanating from Ageuma Dunkel. Even when Ageuma Dunkel had been given the chance to warm up, it was still all about the malts, with a slightly cloying nose to it. At least there was no note of oxidised hops in the beer.

The body of Ageuma Dunkel was more of the same – a large malty backbone that brought a strong caramel and slight honey biscuity base to it. Either someone had forgot to put in the hops or didn’t want the malts to be outshone, as I couldn’t even detect a hint of noble hoppy earthiness to it. That sweetness from the malts was a driving force from start to finish, and unsurprisingly, lingered in the aftertaste too.

Ageuma Dunkel The Bottom Line

Ageuma Dunkel would have been nicer if there had been some taste from the German hops, but it ended up being a sweet, caramel beer in the end

Where to Buy Ageuma Dunkel

Ageuma Dunkel can be bought online at the following places:

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