Vertere Albizia by Vertere

Vertere Albizia is a 9.7% imperial IPA from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap. Vertere Albizia is brewed using Maris Otter, Golden Promise, Pilsner, Munich t2, Melanoidin, and Carahell malts, with Simcoe, Glacier, Mosaic, Saaz, and Amarillo hops.

Vertere Albizia・バテレアルビジア

Vertere Albizia Aroma and Taste

Vertere Albizia poured out a hazy dark golden orange colour with a slight fluffy white head on top, that faded to a few bubbles around the edge of the glass. Vertere Albizia had a pungent dank and stone fruit aroma – think peaches and plums, in addition to a citrusy lemon and grapefruit aroma too. There was a strong caramel and biscuit aroma to Vertere Albizia once it had warmed up and the hops had some time to be subdued.

However, the body was even stronger both in terms of hop flavour and malt boldness. The hops initial bitter kick was swift and fast, and then followed up with the sucker punch of dank pineness and citrusy notes of lemon and grapefruit. The malts were perhaps a tad too sweet – the Maris Otter being the main culprit with its maltiness detracting somewhat from the hops; however, for those people that like their imperial IPAs hoppy and malty, then Vertere Albizia is right up your street. The alcohol began to kick in too after Vertere Albizia had warmed up too, making Vertere Albizia a bit on the big, bold, boozy side. The stone fruit and citrus flavours in the aftertaste helped take away some of the heat, but the lingering cloying sweetness did its best to hold one.

Vertere Albizia The Bottom Line

Swap out the Maris Otter for some lighter malts and Vertere Albizia would be nicer, and less cloying.

Where to Buy Vertere Albizia

Vertere Albizia can be bought online at the following places:

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