Songbird Maltina d’Epices by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Maltina d’Epices is a 7% spiced beer from Brewery Songbird, based in Kisarazu, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their winter lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Songbird Maltina d’Epices is brewed using raw sugar and spices from Amami Oshima, as well as star anise, cloves, and coriander as part of the adjunct bill.

Songbird Maltina d'Epices・ソングバードマルチナエピシ

Songbird Maltina d’Epices Aroma and Taste

Songbird Maltina d’Epices poured out a ruby red brown colour with a large frothy slightly off-white head on top that collapsed quickly on itself. There was as strong malty backbone to the beer, with a mix of spices coming through the caramel body – star anise bringing a spicy kick, with some subtle coriander notes coming through too. Songbird Maltina d’Epices is not a beer for hop heads by any means.

The body was smooth and full of malty flavours – lots of caramel and spice coming through. Lots of star anise and coriander throughout. The cloves came through too once Songbird Maltina d’Epices had warmed up. The lingering spices left a warming sensation on the tongue during the aftertaste.

Songbird Maltina d’Epices The Bottom Line

Songbird Maltina d’Epices takes Songbird Maltina and gives it a nice twist.

Where to Buy Songbird Maltina d’Epices

Songbird Maltina d’Epices can be bought online at the following places:

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