Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo by Tokyo Aleworks

Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo is a 7% American IPA from Tokyo Aleworks, based in Itabashi, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draft line up and as the name suggests, it’s part of their 307 series of beers. Why 307? A little bit of mystery can go a long way. Moreover, as the name suggests, Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo is brewed solely using Amarillo hops.

Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo・東京エールワークス307アマリロ

Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo Aroma and Taste

Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo poured out a slightly hazy golden orange colour with a thin amount of pure white bubbles on top. Why was I not using an IPA glass you may be thinking. Well I forgot to get it out of the cupboard to be honest and I really wanted a beer! The beer was all Amarillo hops – orange and lemon with a smidgen of grapefruit too once the beer had been given a chance to warm up. There was very little malt nose to Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo though there was just a faint hint of biscuity when the beer had warmed up.

The initial bitterness to Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo was short and sharp – it didn’t linger nor was it overpowering. Once again, the Amarillo hops brought a fruity orange and lemon flavour to the body, with the smoothness of the beer making Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo very drinkable. At 7%, I was expecting some alcohol heat but it was well hidden behind the hop flavours. The aftertaste was, if you couldn’t guess, an orange and lemon concoction that was neither fake nor artificial.

Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo The Bottom Line

Single hop beers are becoming less and less common, but Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo is a nice effort.

Where to Buy Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo

Tokyo Aleworks 307 Amarillo can only be bought at the bar.

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