Home Beer Review West Coast Now You See Me by West Coast Brewing

West Coast Now You See Me by West Coast Brewing

by Rob
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West Coast Now You See Me is a 7% Hazy IPA from West Coast Brewing, based in Shizuoka, in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and found its way into cans in January 2020. It’s double dry hopped using Cashmere, Eukanot, and Mosaic hops.

West Coast Now You See Me・ウェストコーストナウユーシーミー

West Coast Now You See Me Aroma and Taste

West Coast Now You See Me poured out, unsurprisingly, a golden hazy yellow colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass as the beer went down. It had lashings of mango, orange, pineapple, and passion fruits – so much fruitiness going on that I almost forgot about the dryness of the beer. There wasn’t much malt aroma though coming off West Coast Now You See Me – perhaps the hops had beating my nose into submission but I really did like the aroma of this beer – is this what hazy IPAs are supposed to smell like?

The body was dry – and I mean really dry. I could feel West Coast Now You See Me sucking the saliva out of my salivary glands before it could be produced. But all was forgiven with those lashings of fruity flavours in the body. There was more of the mango, orange, and pineapple coming through, with just a smidgen of astringency also thrown in. There wasn’t any overpowering bitterness to the beer either, it was definitely there but nowhere near enough to screw your face up. The lingering tropical flavours were noted in the aftertaste too.


West Coast Now You See Me The Bottom Line

If this is what hazy IPAs are supposed to taste like, I could get behind them.

Where to Buy West Coast Now You See Me

West Coast Now You See Me can be bought online at the following places:

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