Home Beer Review Akari Jack Knife by Akari Brewing

Akari Jack Knife by Akari Brewing

by Rob
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Akari Jack Knife is a 6% Brut IPA from Akari Brewing, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap, though neither are that common across Japan. Like the Akari John Smith, Akari Jack Knife is brewed using grapefruit peel and juice, along with British malts.

Akari Jack Knife・アカリジャックナイフ

Akari Jack Knife Aroma and Taste

So this is what Akari Brewing think a Brut IPA should look like. While there is no prescribed appearance for this style of beer, Brut IPAs are generally thought of being much lighter in colour, perhaps a light straw one, but with Akari Jack Knife, they’ve gone for a much, much darker appearance – one that almost that came across as more of a watered muddy brown colour than a light one. The head was a plump fluffy white one that clung to the side of the glass. However, the aroma was really not nice. And that’s me being generous. Brut IPAs are normally dry and hoppy, but Akari Jack Knife had a buttery woody aroma to it that really was not pleasant at all.

The body as well was an absolute mess too. The buttery bomb of a flavour profile was just really unpleasant and I couldn’t stomach more than a couple of mouthfuls of this. For something that is supposed to be a Brut IPA, Akari Jack Knife lacked the subtle dryness and citrusy hops I’ve come to expect from a Brut IPA. The lingering butteriness obviously left a bad taste in the mouth and for that reason, it joined the drain club.


Akari Jack Knife The Bottom Line

Has anyone at Akari Brewing actually taste the styles they’re supposed to be representing?

Where to Buy Akari Jack Knife

Akari Jack Knife can be bought online at the following places:

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