Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA by Far Yeast Brewing Company

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA is a 6.9% Brut IPA from Far Yeast Brewing Company, based in Yamanashi, Japan. It’s part of their collaboration range with Beer Sonic and follows on from their Far Yeast Westbound Session IPA. First released in April 2019, Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA is brewed with oats and Nelson Sauvin, Hallertau Blanc, and Idaho 7 hops during both the boil and dry hopping stages, though to what amount is unknown.

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA・ファーイースト ウエストバウンド サード ブリュットアイピーエー

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA Aroma and Taste

I’m not completely swayed that Brut IPA is a proper style – I know what I said about NE-IPA but Brut’s just seem to be more of an idea of taking the beer down by a few gravity points, making it drier, than actually doing something different.

And Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA convinced me just that.

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA poured out a dark orange-brown colour with a thin amount of white head on top that faded fast. It had a subtle citrus aroma, with hints of grapefruit and lemon coming though, and a dry white wine nose to it, but that was from the yeast I guess rather than the hops used. There was a meagre amount of mango coming through, but only once Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA had warmed up somewhat but by that point, I had enough.

The body was dry and crisp, not to dissimilar to a dry white wine or a can of Asahi Super Dry. The fruitiness of the hops was muted, with some faint hints of citrus and mango coming through. Maybe the beer was a tad old, thus the hops had broken down a bit, but it all felt a bit limp.

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA The Bottom Line

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA convinced me that Brut IPAs are just a passing fad.

Where to Buy Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA

Far Yeast Westbound 3rd Brut IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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