DD4D Coconut Milk Stout by DD4D Brewing

DD4D Coconut Milk Stout is a 5.0% milk stout from DD4D Brewing, based in Matsuyama, in Ehime, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. DD4D Coconut Milk Stout is brewed using lactose and toasted coconut.

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DD4D Coconut Milk Stout Aroma and Taste

I’ll say this now, Maui Brewing’s Coconut porter is one of the best porters I’ve ever had. And the souped up imperial stout version of it is one of the very few beers that I’ve paid a stupid amount of money for in Antenna American – and did not regret it. So I was really excited when I saw DD4D Coconut Milk Stout online.

DD4D Coconut Milk Stout poured out a dark brownish black colour with the smallest of tan coloured heads you could image. There were a couple of bubbles around the side of the glass but they popped fast to leave an oily slick on top of the beer. Thankfully, the beer had a nice coconut aroma to it, with some hints of lactose milk aroma too. The black malts used in the making of DD4D Coconut Milk Stout must have either been used sparingly or cold mashed as there was zero hint of acrid nose from them, but thankfully there were some hints of chocolate and coffee going on. Once DD4D Coconut Milk Stout had been given the chance to warm up, there was a slight nuttiness and caramel aroma to it as well.

However, considering all of the aromas going on in DD4D Coconut Milk Stout, the body lacked, well, body. I was hoping for something with some more mouthfeel, more body, more punch, but it just felt a bit watery really in comparison to the punch of the aromas. The flavours were nice and reminded me of sitting on a beach with coconut milk but it all felt a bit wasted with the thin body. A shame really as well as the flavours faded fast from the palate as they had nothing to cling on to really.

DD4D Coconut Milk Stout The Bottom Line

DD4D Coconut Milk Stout is about flavour over body. A shame as it would have been great to have had some more body to it.

Where to Buy DD4D Coconut Milk Stout

DD4D Coconut Milk Stout can be bought online at the following places:

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