Fujiyama Yabusame by Fujiyama Hunter’s Beer

Fujiyama Yabusame is a 6.5% rice IPA / specialty grain from Fujiyama Hunter’s Beer, based in Fujinomiya, in Shiuzoka, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition line up and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Fujiyama Yabusame is brewed locally sourced rice and also has the addition of yuzu peel too. In terms of hops though it’s uses Nelson Sauvin hops imported from New Zealand.

Fujiyama Yabusame 1・フジヤマやぶさめ1Fujiyama Yabusame 2・フジヤマやぶさめ2

Fujiyama Yabusame Aroma and Taste

For a rice-based beer, I was surprised with how dark Fujiyama Yabusame poured out. I was expecting something much lighter, more yellow, but instead got a dark orangey brown colour with a small amount of sticky white head on top that really did its best to cling to the side of the glass. Fujiyama Yabusame had a distinct ricey aroma – if you’ve ever drunk sake then you’ll know what I’m talking about, but the yuzu peel brought a pithy aroma to it, so some of white parts of the peel had made its way into the beer.

That some pithy flavour was present in the body – a shame really as Fujiyama Yabusame had a clean, smooth taste in spite of the yuzu. There was the typical sake-like quality to the body as well, but I couldn’t shake the taste of that yuzu pith having made its way in. That lingering flavour was present in the aftertaste too and meant I never really truly enjoyed this beer.

Fujiyama Yabusame The Bottom Line

If it hadn’t been for the pithy yuzu flavour, I might have recommended Fujiyama Yabusame but for now, give it a miss.

Where to Buy Fujiyama Yabusame

Fujiyama Yabusame can be bought online at the following places:

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