Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock by Yatsugatake Brewery

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock is a 7% bock beer from Yatsugatake Brewery, based in Kiyosato, in Yamanashi, Japan. Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock is part of their all-year round range and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock is brewed using malt imported from Canada, Germany, and The UK.

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock・八ヶ岳プレミアムロックボック

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock Aroma and Taste

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock poured out a deep amber red colour with a miniscule amount of thin white head on top that faded to a few bubbles around the outside of the glass. The beer had a rich caramel and biscuit aroma to it, with a bare minimum of hop aroma coming off with just a smidgen of noble hop like quality to it. At 7%, I also picked up a subtle alcohol heat and dark fruit aroma to it once Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock had warmed up to room temperature, but nothing too potent.

The body though to Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock was surprisingly thin for a bock beer – I was hoping for something more chewy but it ended up having more of a lager like quality to it. The caramel sweetness wasn’t supported enough and faded fast from the palate but at least the fruitiness was well-balanced with the caramel sweetness.

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock The Bottom Line

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock is drinkable but isn’t going to rock your world.

Where to Buy Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock

Yatsugatake Premium Rock Bock can be bought online at the following places:

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