Shimane Shimanekko Lager by Shimane Beer Company

Shimane Shimanekko Lager is a 5.5% Japanese rice lager from Shimane Beer Hearn, based in Shimane, Japan. It’s part of their summer seasonal lineup and can be found in cans and on tap. Shimane Shimanekko Lager uses malt from Shimane Prefecture and “Island Scent Oki Algae Salt Rice” from Shimane Prefecture’s Okinoshima Island.

Shimane Shimanekko Lager・しまねしまねっこらがー

Shimane Shimanekko Lager Aroma and Taste

Shimane Shimanekko Lager poured out a light orange colour with a big frothy head on top – but that could have been due to the glass can that was being used (Thanks Wes!). Shimane Shimanekko Lager had a light dusting of rice aroma to it, with just a faint hint of some citrus fruit – perhaps lemon, or maybe a little grapefruit going on.

The body to Shimane Shimanekko Lager was crisp and dry from the start right through to the finish. There was also a light dusting of lemon and saltiness to the beer – nothing potent but it was more noticeable as the beer warmed up. The flavours were well-balanced and went down well on a hot early summer’s night. Shimane Shimanekko Lager left a subtle lingering citrus flavour to the palette that stuck but was easily washed away with the next sip of beer.

Shimane Shimanekko Lager The Bottom Line

Shimane Shimanekko Lager is a nice light lager that would be great for a summer night of drinking.

Where to Buy Shimane Shimanekko Lager

Shimane Shimanekko Lager can be bought online at the following places:

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