Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA by Y Market Brewing

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA is a 4.5% session IPA from Y Market Brewing, based in Nagoya, in Aichi, Japan. Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA is part of the Y Market Brewing regular lineup and can be found in cans and on tap too. Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA is brewed with imported US Mosaic and Chinook hops.

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA・YマーケットホップセダクションセッションIPA

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA Aroma and Taste

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA poured out a slight hazy golden straw colour with a minimal amount of white head on top – a few bubbles here and there but nothing substantial of note. There was a huge dank piney nose to the beer, with just some faint hints of grapefruit and lemons when Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA was chilled with very little malt nose in the beer. Once it had been given some time to warm up, there was a light biscuit / pilsner-like base to Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA, but it just sneaked through the hops.

For a session IPA, Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA packed a large bitter punch – be warned! I was expecting something lighter to be honest, so I was taken aback somewhat. The hops brought a massive dank resinous body, with lashings of citrus grapefruit and lemon – it felt a bit much halfway through but if you like your beers hoppy, then the lingering flavours in Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA will be right your street. The continuous theme of hoppy flavours lasted into the aftertaste too, with just a meagre amount of biscuit malt coming through.

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA The Bottom Line

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA is light on alcohol, but high in flavours for a session IPA.

Where to Buy Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA

Y Market Hop Seduction Session IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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