Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber by Yo-Ho Brewing

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber is a 6% Brut IPA from Yo-Ho Brewing, based in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their Boku Beer Kimi Beer series which has seen them working alongside with the Lawson’s chain of convenience stores. The taste of the beer is supposed to be a secret until the beer runs out – but who are we to follow rules and what to do when it comes to things like this?

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber・ヤッホー僕ビール君ビール満天クライマー

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber Aroma and Taste

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber poured out a clear golden yellow colour with a small amount of white head on top that faded really fast to a few bubbles around the edge of the glass. The problem I have with Brut IPAs, and Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber is a great example of this, is the lack of real hoppy aroma to them – as if someone forgot to add the hops after stripping out all of the malt flavour. That’s one of the reasons why many Brut IPAs are dry hopped (the addition of hops after fermentation) to try and increase aroma but it seems Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber missed out on it. There was just the faintest of citrus and pine aromas to it – heck, a pilsner is more hoppier than this beer.

The body to Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber was dry but thin. It lacked everything that I associate with an IPA – hoppy bitter punch or strong citrus / pine notes – basically it was just a stripped out beer with some hints of what an IPA should be – hoppy! Everything I wanted in an IPA was not here.

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber The Bottom Line

Give Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber a miss if you’re looking for something flavourful or IPA-like.

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber Second Opinion by Joe

Damn it! I usually review these, but evidently I wasn’t quick enough. Uncharacteristic of me, yes, I know. Manten Climber is like a one-dimensional IPA. There’s no malt flavour, but also no hop bitterness or any punch at all. It is dry, and I do like the hops they’re using in it, but that’s all there is to it. Hop juice. Less than that- hop water, is what it is. A shame as I’ve always enjoyed this series.

Where to Buy Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber

Yo-Ho Boku Beer Kimi Beer Manten Climber can only be bought in Lawson’s convenience stores.

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