Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner by Locobeer

Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner is a 5.5% American pilsner from Locobeer, based in Sakura, in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their spring seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap when on sale. It’s brewed on a traditional recipe that German brewers were thought to have brought to the USA when they emigrated there back in the late 19th to early 20th century. Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner is brewed using corn and also Cluster hops – both thought to have been major ingredients to brewing at the time.

Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner・ロコビアイミグラント・ピルスナー

Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner Aroma and Taste

Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner poured out a slight hazy golden straw colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. If you’re had a Budweiser before, then don’t expect anything as bland, or as boring, as that. Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner had a citrusy lemon nose to it, with some hints of biscuit and honey going on too.

The body was nice and crisp when Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner had been cooled down and thankfully, that same crispness still remained even when it had warmed up. The lemony citrus flavour was an interesting take on a pilsner, and most welcome, as it stopped the malts from being overpowering and dominating over everything. The body had a subtle sweetness to it when the beer was cold, and became a little bit stronger when Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner had warmed up, but it was neither cloying nor did it linger for long.

Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner The Bottom Line

Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner is a nice little pilsner that I’d happily drink again.

Where to Buy Locobeer Immigrant Pilsner

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